Wednesday January 25th 2017

Today we were finishing up our Drug slideshows, and I decided never to do inhalant drugs. And then it occurred to me how easy it is to acquire inhalant drugs. I mean it is really easy to get a hold of inhalant drugs. Because inhalant drug chemicals can be found in a lot of things, such as: Body spray, glue, sharpies, pray paint, gasoline, hairspray etc.

Here is a picture of some things that can be used as inhalant drugs.

Image result for inhalant drugs

Jan 15 2017

In science we did some brain experiments, and it was really cool. We did things like poke pins in our finders to see if we could tell how many pins were being poked into us. Also we dropped a dollar sideways to see if our brain could keep up with it. And we did lots of things like this. And I joined Sophia and Sophie in doing this, and we all did it together.

Here is a picture of us doing the brain experiments, that is me chillin’ with my foot on the table.

Other than that experiment we didn’t do a whole lot. But Shane brought in this cool white electric ball. And what it did was it lit up when we were all holding hands and completing a circuit. And when we weren’t holding hands it didn’t do anything. And it was pretty cool, but other than that we just did our drug slideshows.

Jan 11th

I finally have come back to school on a Monday. And I have finally gotten to catch up on some homework. And we are doing drug reports. We talk about the effects of drugs and what it does. And I chose to do inhalant drugs, and is one of the cheapest forms of drugs. Basically you just need a paper bag and some deodorant spray. And unfortunately it is very common, especially in teens. And that is what I have been researching for the past week.

January 5th

We have finally gotten back from break. And now we are back at school about to start on our work. I can’t wait for the year that is ahead. And this week we didn’t really do much i science. And since i was sick for most of the week i didn’t really know what was happening. So hopefully on Monday i’ll get all of it.